The Joyce Huron Trent Story
Where Imagination & History Intersect.
Welcome to a fantastic place that will help you to learn, engage, and excite your mind and imagination. We are Illumination Station.
Like many, you may not have heard the names, Madam C.J. Walker, Jane Bolin, Scott Joplin, William Carney, Robert Smalles and countless other amazing, yet forgotten, American trailblazers. Americans who charted the path for this great nation, took their own adversity and flipped the script. Illumination Station shines the light on these individuals with a unique approach in telling each of these fantastic and true stories, using music and animation in the great tradition of, “Schoolhouse Rock”. That is only the beginning! We desire to engage, empower, and inspire you by sharing the triumphs of these amazing figures of yesterday. Our stories will convey how ordinary individuals rose above their own dire circumstances to make history, and go far beyond even their own dreams, hopefully will inspire you to do the same.
Consider an investment into not only your future, but the future of others.
At Illumination Station, our desire and passion is to educate, empower, and inspire. These goals and products require a multitude of people and resources to carefully create them.
We are grateful to our gifted and talented staff who truly show their care in crafting every project they produce. To bring to life the stories of these amazing trailblazers, we need your support. With your help, each of these learning tools, and animated music stories can be created and shared with others. Please consider donating a one-time or monthly recurring donation to this valuable organization.